United States, California
- SACRAMENTO: The expert engineering team of AUXITEC LLC Collaborated with the prestigious Consulting American Company TYLIN, ( as a freelance consultant for the CHSRA (California High-Speed Rail Authority, in the PMO (Project Managemente Overside) Contract. Click here if you want to download the draft business plan of the California High-Speed Rail Authority.
- SAN FRANCISCO: For the BART of San Francisco, Auxitec LLC is analyzing, in collaboration with Parsons, the appropiateness of a protection system for track maintenance staff.
- SAN JOSE: Auxitec LLC has sponsored the HST San Jose Seminar on high-speed railway technologies in cooperation with Mineta Institute and San Jose State University (
- BAKERSFIELD: Auxitec LLC has sponsored the HST Bakersfield Seminar on high-speed railway technologies in cooperation with CSU Bakersfield (
- LOS ANGELES: Now Auxitec LLC is going to sponsored the following HST High Speed Congress and trade Show in Los Angeles. For more information take a look at their website
United States, Texas
- AUSTIN: Analysis and evaluation of the high-speed railway line between Dallas and Houston (under study) with a budget of more than10 000 M$ and 386 km long in collaboration with the consulting Euroestudios. In this project we have adviced on the most appropiate railway facilities( Signalling, Telecommunication, Catenary and Track Power Supply).